Novelist, English as a Foreign Language author
Welcome, and thanks for dropping by. I’m the founder of Englang Books, author/co-author of nine books, and publisher of four more by other authors. They are of two types:
(1) Fiction
(2) English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
A new hat
Working with English Language, I’ve worn many caps: writer, schoolteacher, journalist, university lecturer, editor, publisher, distributor. I’ll pass on tips about some of these in my blog. EFL books are my bread and butter, and fiction is my passion.
In at the deep end
Whale Soup was my ninth book but first novel. I was as nervous at its publication as when False Friends was published more than two decades ago, and it was a huge relief to see it so well received. The second novel, Nothing Ever Happens in Clacton, was published in 2018.

EFL books
By Geoff Parkes and others
Latest Novel
Nothing Ever Happens in Clacton
Read Geoff Parkes’s Blog